Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 I had to quit college due to financial reasons now working minumum wage can I secure financial stability?

I just need to get some insight on my situation. Financially I cannot continue college. My duplex burnt down a couple of months ago leaving me with nothing. I have always excelled at all positions but college was my main focus so I passed up oppurtunity over and over. Now at 30 I am having to start all over and wondering can I still fullfill a decent lifestyle at this age and be successful working yet again from the bottom. The one goos thing is that I have dealt with my demons of addiction. Now feeling much better then before due to this I find myself more down then ever as reality is kicking me in the face now. I am just hoping little by little I can get my life back and hopefully fullfill a meaninful life. Oh and I do have alot of prior charges but all misdemeanors. I am hoping this is not too late to change this around!

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