Sunday, July 10, 2011

Can I be sued by my previous landlord for moving out due to mold while I was pregant?

I moved into this duplex with my boyfriend in October, and we lived there without any problems the entire winter. I learned I was pregnant in January. My pregnancy is considered high risk since I have an incompetent cervix and miscarried my last pregnancy at 22 weeks (more than halfway). In April, I had to have surgery to stitch up my cervix, and was placed on bed rest for a few days. I was also given very strict provisions for the remainder of my pregnancy. My doctor was afraid I was going to get an infection, so I had to be extra careful about everything I did. I had my surgery at the beginning of April when spring arrived, and it stormed everyday for a few weeks straight. Our living room is located in the basement of the house, and flooded. We had to start wearing shoes in our house everyday because our entire floor was soaked through. Then it began smelling really musty, so we took a look in our laundry room where the water was coming in, and we found mold. We took plenty of pictures of everything, and got out of there within a week. Now, 3 months later our previous landlord is threatening to sue us. Do we have a case against him, or are we wrong for leaving? I’d also like to mention that our landlord is living on the other side of the county, so he had a friend act as a landlord anytime we needed anything. His friend was really nice about us leaving, and told us we needed to get out of there because of my pregnancy.

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