Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am so sick of being miserable and depressed.?

My sisters all think I'm a loser and this upsets me greatly because I have this awful need to always please and be liked. A totally disfunctional family with little love and perpetual divorce, I, the youngest, didn't hang around home and get married like they did. I left for the left coast as soon as I could and basically didn't look back. I just wanted something different. Only one to ever go to college and travel, I never married and have always taken care of myself. 19 years ago I consider buying property in my home town should my apt. drop off into the ocean and Mom confesses then that she would like to be done with her mortgage. So she and I decide that I take over the house. I pay off her loan and give her remainder in cash for full price taking out a mortgage. I also agree that she continue to live there free of rent and keep the rent from the other side (duplex) as well. I did this because I knew my Mom would take care of the property and that if I ever needed to, I would have a place to go to and my Mom wouldn't have to worry anymore. No sister says anything to me about this transaction at the time, and of course none of them obviously ever offered to do this. One sister 5 hours away (came home once a month to take Mom shopping), one 12 hours away (visited every 5 years or so, sent occasional gifts, and one next door who chose to quit working 10 years ago to care for parents in exchange for monetary compensaton. Now 18 years later, Mom is in a nursing home. So now I'm being summoned back home to help. I point out that I've been helping. Not enough apparently. I must go home and clean out the house. Can't someone else do that? No, apparently. It's my house! So, sister on other side who paid her rent to Mom now suddenly is unable to pay her rent. Tells me she can't afford it. Lives there 6 more months until sold. Wants me to sell the house-has found a buyer even. So I sell-take $15000 loss off original price. Never go back to help clean out house so now I'm mud. Sister complains to me how hard it was to clean out the house-took her 3 months. Of course I couldn't point out that she was compensated for that by her free rent for 6 months. So I ask if she asked sister in Georgia to come up to help? Yes, she did ask. Sister in Georgia declined to help apparently because it ISN'T HER HOUSE! Sister 5 hours away agrees that it's my responsibility. When I point out that I've been contributing, sister 5 hours away finally blurts out "Why would you make such a stupid arrangement with Mom.?" That's when I threw my cell phone across the room. Today's her birthday and I've tried for the past week to find a card to send to her. In the end I couldn't do it. I knew it would not bring a smile to her face but rather probably more disgust for me. So here I sit, miserable and depressed, eyeing the Bridge and feeling like a total loser. And for what? What did I do that was so wrong?

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