Friday, July 15, 2011

Would you let your mother move in with you if....?

My mother has lived with me off and on since I moved out of the house, which has been about 9 yrs now. Each time she moved in with me she was very disrespectful and rude to me and my boyfriend at the time. I never asked her for any money, only that she save her own money so that she could get a place of her own. She however was never able to get any money saved. Even though she was living relatively bill free and working a 10+/hr full time job. The last time she moved in with my fiance and i she repeated the same disrespectful behavior that she had in the past. (no surprise) As of yesterday, my mom has found herself homeless again due to her own irresponsibility. She is no longer working but she does collect social security and unemployment. Also, she knew a month prior to her actual eviction that she was going to have to move, and during that month she didn't not pay rent. Yet she has save no money to put down on another place. This irresponsible behavior that my mom is displaying is not at all how she raised her children. So here is my question, should I in essence have to take responsibility for my mother's lack of planning and let her move back into my tiny 2 bedroom duplex with my family? Even though every time without fail she always causes problems between my fiance and I. What would you do?

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