Saturday, July 9, 2011

Catholics utter devotion to Mary?

Please explain your devotion to Mary as your intercessor for sins and prayers. She is to be blessed as the woman who delivered the Christ and revered this way, but not worshiped or prayed to. Where in the NT does Jesus make this command? By saying Mary somehow can influence Jesus is also saying He is not divine or part of the Trinity. I am not dissing Mary, she did the will of God and was an obedient servant, but devotion to her as an intercessor is wrong. What you are saying is Jesus won't listen to you, but Mary will and can speak to Him for you? Jesus does not command this. Rather on the cross to clear up any confusion called her "woman" not "mother", when He turned water into wine He called her "woman" not "mother". I think by doing this, He was trying to stave off this notion that she was to be worshiped as Catholics do, respected yes, but worship only thy Lord and Savior, and God. How condescending it is to think Mary has this type of power over Jesus.

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