Monday, July 18, 2011

Renting out a duplex or multiplex, whats involved?

Wife and I might be selling our home, then purchasing a duplex or multiplex and rent out the others. If you've done this, what all was involved? (with the duplex anywho)

I really need some Legal Advice, please?

I'm currently living with both my father, and my grandmother. My dad is threatening to move me and my sisters away because him and my grandmother dont have the best relationship. This is a major problem because my house is a duplex (though we own the whole house) so I live with my grandma in the downstairs apartment, and my father lives upstairs with my 2 sisters. I cannot even imagine moving, especially since I am halfway through Highschool. BUT! I cannot emancipate my self because I'm only 15. Is there any way I can live with my grandma (and possibly get adopted) , but not have my father call the police and file kidnapping charges? or is there any legal way I could move in with my grandma?

Which wi fi printer should I buy?

I am considering the Canon, the Kodak (cheaper ink?). The HP. I have an epson at present and do not want another, nor do I want a lexmark. It will be mainly for printing text not pix. I also need memory card slots, duplex and a USB. Any help appreciated

What are the different functions of nitrogen-fixing and nitrifying bacteria!?

What are the different functions of nitrogen-fixing and nitrifying bacteria and can you please describe what would happen to the nitrogen cycle if either group was removed??? =)

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

sounds like tri-deltas; get a lawyer to take your case on contingency and sue, baby, sue (you will sue both the members who bullied you and the national organization for your house, which will have the real money)!

What is the delegates in .net? for what they are use?

They're great for event driven programming. If you have ever used C/C++, then you'll recognize them as alternatives to function pointers.

How to make the time go by faster and overcome this?

Im SUPER excited on moveing. Im living in a two bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 car garage duplex. (yes it has a living area and kitchen) And, well, I hate it. I share my room with my OLDER sister. (shes a bossy butt) Now, were moving on June 14th. (im really hoping the people who are moving out will hurry there butt up and ask if we can move closing time to an earlier date so we can move in faster) Once I found out that we were moving, i started to cry. It was the house I wanted to move into. I LOVE it. Since I live in this busty old duplex, none of my friends want to come over, spend the night because they have no where to sleep, my sister is mean to us and yeah. So I wont get to see them until I move. (So I cry when they turn me down. I havent seen them in atleast 3 weeks) How do I overcome crying when i cant see my friends? (i cry because My friends and I have really tight relaitionships, we cant go a day without seeing each other) Also, How do I make the days go by faster? (they drag on forever, please dont say excersise, i exercise daily) PLEASE help..thanks

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

Yes. You should. Get your daily newspaper to write a story about your experience, THAT Sorority, and the way you were treated. Expose Them....and warn the others from joining.

Jehovah's Witnesses: In Isaiah 43:10-11, YHVH says that no god was formed before Him and after Him no god.....?

will be formed, and their is no "savior" but Him (YHVH). What does this mean if there is no "before Me" and no "after me?" Why would God say after me unless He spoke of a time He is formed? Why would He proclaim that there is no Savior but Him if He made Christ savior in the New Testament? Do you even know what I write. You pride yourselves on the sharpness of your little daggers; come test them on my sword of the Word and I promise to sharpen you.

Private Property? How can you help me idk what to do im only 16 years old and isn't sure of a few laws.?

I am 16 and my parents and I live on the same property as our landlord/my dads friend because the house is sort of like a duplex. Now my landlords girlfrend her daughter who is 22, her and I use to be best friends. About a month ago, I had made a mistake and I lost control and I started pulling on her hair and I slapped her. Yes I will admit that part was my fault, but there were other things that she did as well, she took advantage of me alot of watching her 3 kids. And in the beginning I was fine with it and everything, but after awhile I just felt used. And today all my mom did was look at her and my ex friend said why the dirty looks? and my mom started sticking up for me...Now I was wondering if theres anyway to have her kept off the property even though her mom stays there with our landlord. My ex friends moms real house that she is signed legally to be living in is somewhere else. I just don't want any trouble and my ex friend is a drama queen and my mom is 17 weeks pregnant and I don't want that stress. We were litterally cooped up in our own house just so no serious fights were starting. I just don't want any trouble.

Renters Nightmare or am i overreacting?

A can of hornet spray costs about $4. A can of that spray weatherstripping stuff costs about the same. For under $10 you could fix these problems yourself.

Use the definition of a derivative function to find (5/sqrtx)'.?

Please include your steps as I keep getting different answers for this problem and at this point have no clue how I would solve it.

Jesus christ would be arabic wouldnt he i mean he was israeli and israel is in the middle east?

that would make him one them terrorists with the turban woulnt it, i just askin i mean we got all this against the ARABS about them bein the source of evil in dis world yet are Holy savior and our pastor be one of them.

How to minimize cell phone bill?

I really only need a cell phone so people can get a hold of me if they have an emergency. Therefore the basic phone function as well as long distance within the U.S. is all I need. Yahoo community, please give me some advise on which cell phone company to buy service from and how to trim down the monthly bill to a minimum. Thanks.

Do you worship Attis or Jesus?

I worship to the god and goddess as equals jk I'm deist so I worship nothing but i believe in a god(not the christian jew or muslin one)

What is the function of RNA?

No it does not relieve DNA of supercoils. RNA, primarily known for its role in information transfer from DNA molecule. But RNA can also be enzymatic. A great example of enzymatic RNA is the ribosome.

I have a question about something a fair amount of fantasy writers are afraid of...?

...their book being too similar to another popular book. In my case, it's Harry Potter. I had the idea for my book before I'd even read or seen the Harry Potter movies (I'm a fan now though! :) and it seems pretty similar not in the characters or...story to story plot line per se...but in the general plot of the series. It has a boy going to a place secret from this world where there is magic that humans can learn and yes, there is a school that teaches that because what society could function without a school haha. And I've tried adding details to it to make it different but the overview that I just said stays almost the same! I guess I'm asking... what are the limits at which point it's too recognizably similar to Harry Potter to look over or ignore. I mean if some people are saying Percy Jackson is similar to Harry Potter than my story certainly is...the issue is that magic (or so we'll call it) is essential to the plot and it's just great fun to write about. I have no idea what to do...I can't even begin to write the series (I have it all outlined) until I sort this out... Thanks for any advice and opinions! :)

I hate my mother, you HAVE to read this, it is all real!?

I hate my mother so much, you seriously have to read this and think if it is normal. No question surrounds that my mother and i have never seen eye to eye. I am a straight a student, achived 3a*s and 8a's at GCSE and 4 A's at A level. My mother's response to me doing well after my sociology a level and getting an a was not well done son but rather i got an a in sociology in the most spiteful and harsh tone ever. Before my a level exam actually it was my mother's day off and she had already said she would not be taking me to school as she wanted a lie in. That was fine, i got the bus to and fro school for every exam and so it didnt bother me, however the way she acted this day really pissed me off. My exam was actually at 2 and she couldnt be bothered to even get out of bed at even 1 o'clock to drive me to school but the reason she would not get out of bed is because i could vividly and clear as day hear her having sex with her boyfriend. I had an important a level exam and my mother refused to take me at 1 o'clcok in the afternoon because she was too busy having sex, surely that's not right!?!. I confronted her about this and her response to this was not i'm sorry but rather, and i quote as i can remember, "it's my house, not your's, i will do what i fuc**ing want". I was ten minutes late for my exam because i had to get the bus but i couldnt even be bothered with the hassle of telling her. 3 days later, i woke up for school and she had left for work, i went in to the bathroom and she had left a used condom in the toilet present for everyone to see, including my 14 year old brother, absolutely disgusting. Her response to this was again, "its my ******ing house, i will do what the fu*k i want". My brother needed the bathroom so i had to fish a used condom out of the toilet. Obviously i confronted her about this and she literally went off on the biggest rant i have ever witnessed, swearing left right and centre, when i was talking to her in a manner, raised as it was due to what she had did, never swearing at her. She has also came down the stair's on christmas day with her dressing gown wide open as she was drunk from the night before. She has done this several times and one time she answered the door to my friend, who was then 15 with here dressing gown, as usual wide open, with everything on show and when i tell her to put some clothes on she constantly for some uknown reason tells me to fu**k off and stop trying to be her dad. This is not the behaviour of a woman functioning normally surely. My brother has also witnessed her having sex with her bedroom door wide open at 9 o'clock in the evening and my brother said her boyfriend (her 2nd boyfriend out of 6 in a space of 6 years actually looked at him and just carried on. My brother was in tears and came into my room. My mother accused him of lying saying he was making it up even though she could be heard clearly even downstairs and he would not lie or make up a story about such a thing. The amount of times my mother has said that she wished i never lived in the house and that she didnt have to know me can not be counted. She talks to me like i am subhuman and near enough every day, every couple of hours tells me to fu**k off and launches into a torrent of abuse for god knows reasons. The very moment i am writing this for instance, just two hours earlier, beacuse i have no money as i am saving up for univeristy and am in the limbo between exam results and university and so can not realisticly find a job that will be happy to employ me and get rid of me in 2 months, i couldnt go out today as i have no money. She launched with abuse about how i have no friends and go fu**k off and live somewhere else. This is commonplace, she constantly swears it me and i cannot honestly remeber the last time she has talked to me without swearing at me, i dont swear at her, you have to believe me, i really dont. This is not normal, i didnt even say anything to her to induce anything! She constantly lowers my self esteem as well and always makes me feel self conscious about my weight and appeareance. On one occasion she said to me do you think your good looking and i replied i'm average i suppose to which, my mother laughed and said something under her breath. This post contains just a small number of incidents with my, and i hate to say it, my mother. I can not begin to express the hundereds of other times she has done stuff like this. On a final note, i will talk about how the last time she has took me and my brother on holiday was when i was 10 years old. I understand she doenst have alot of money but the thing is she has been on holiday every year since with one of her many boyfriends. Do you guys think what i have said in this post is how a normal mother behaves. You have to believe me, i really not am lying, i am not that type of person. Everything i have said here is real. What do you guys think of

What do you think so far?

It's good but it needs some work. Like you said it's rushed and I can tell. Slow down a bit, describe the main character. I don't even know who she is. Make it more interesting too.

Which is better,100 half duplex or 10M full duplex?

Depends on what you're using it for. Technically 100 half duplex would be faster than 10 full duplex but it doesn't account for the collisions that will occur on the segment. A collision occurs when 2 devices try to transmit data at the same time. If you're just checking e-mail or doing normal surfing it's not a big deal but if you're trying to stream HD video the collisions can become very annoying as it will distort the picture. Also collisions can take up to half of the bandwidth of the connection so during heavy use periods you might only be getting 50 from your 100M line. Though 50 is still better than the 10 full duplex, at least you won't have collisions.

What do wiccans believe in?

my grandparents call me a wiccan all the time just because of my piercings (belly button, industrial, cartiledge, ears guaged to 00g, and i want a lip piercing). ive looked up alot of articals on their beliefs but all it tells me is that they have a god and a godess and they go by the quarters of the moon. I believe in God our Lord and Savior. Ive been baptised, I go to church every Sunday with my family. I do have a style i guess. Im scene....i guess. i have alot of friends and im out going and funny. i love being around people. i dont look wicken what so ever. so do they belive in piercings and tattoos?

Would you rather be single or in a loving committed relationship? what's your zodiac sun sign?

I love being in love. I'm in love with love lol. Having a person who reciprocates my feeling is the best. But, I don't mind being single either.

Favorite song off "Set the World on Fire" by Black Veil Brides?

Just comment your favorite song by Black Veil Brides on that cd..:D i really love Saviour, God Bless You, and Rebel Love Song ..... I love BvB no hate comments on them please thank you :)

Why is my ex doing this?

We split up in end of September because he broke it off and I found out he was cheating on me and he ended up getting this girl pregnant. No contact for about 2 months since we last seen each other (just had sex) Now he is asking if I still have a copy of our old lease because he needs "proof that he lived other than his parents last year for the IRS" tax stuff I guess... either that or he's signing another lease somewhere with this girl. Why is he asking me for a copy of the old lease when he could just ask our old landlord/duplex for a copy or a letter? Does he figure it would be easier to ask me? Is this an excuse to try and see me? I'd like you're opinion. Thanks

Why did the isralites not accept Christ as the saviour?

Heu... How did this theory of Christ is the Saviour and not Jesus the saviour? Are you kind of following or at lest respect what the local believers here of their belief and practise...?

Is it legal for my landlord to charge us money for people coming over to our home in Washington State?

My landlord is charging us over 200 dollars for having people come over to our duplex, he insists we must call him ahead of time and ask for permission to have people over. And if we are allowed to we must pay him 5 dollars per person. Is this even legal? we live in Washington State.

My neighbor and I share gas and electric meters. Is this legal?

I live in a back house and my neighbor lives in half of a duplex on the same property. We do not have an a-joined wall but we do share meters. When I moved in the landlord had the bills in her name and would mail us both copies so we could pay our share but a year ago when a new tenant moved in she asked him to put the utilities in his name and required him to provide me with copies of the bills so I can pay my share (I pay 1/3 and he pays 2/3). Now he is moving out and the landlord wants me to switch the bills into my name which is making me very uncomfortable. I don't want to be responsible for the gas and electric of the 2 bedroom duplex next door to me when I am only in a one bedroom. So my question is...Is it legal for her to require me to put both properties in my name?

Can someone tell me why this is happening? ):?

im having these weird problems learning about Jesus. I love Jesus and believe he's my savior and all.. But im always having questions and it feels like something is pulling me back? Sometimes it feels like i dont care or that it doesnt matter, and that i dont wanna go to church, or even read things about God or Jesus, and it scares me.. I dont know why i think it and i dont want to, it just happens, like somethings forcing me.. I'm 14 and it makes me wanna cry, and im exremely scared.. why does this happen? does anyone else think like this? Please help me )':

If I were to buy a duplex with another family (one family to live on each side)...?

how would that work as far as the loan? Could we have two separate loans? We would be buying together and then applying for a condo conversion from the city together. As far as the condo conversion goes, there is no problem with that. But I was wondering how the loan would be set up. It would not be good to have to take out a loan with all of us on it and then to have to change it to two separate loans once the conversion went into effect. Can you start the whole deal with two separate loans? Thanks!

Im looking the sheet music for the wedding hymn below i have been trying to get it for a few weeks now?

I can see your difficulty! The ONLY place I can find this published is in the "Church Hymnal" of the Church of Ireland (the Anglican church in Ireland), published in 1960 and now apparently out of print. Perhaps you can find a copy on ebay or in your local library. (You can find lots of copies of the OLD Church Hymnal, but this is not in there.)

How to get wireless signal with another wireless adsl modem router?

Depends on the model of the router/modem. First, we'd need to know what it is exactly(the model of the modem/router. Second, if it supports it, it will be called something like WDS which is what it would use to allow another router to connect to it. Can you give a little more information on both of the routers/modems?

Hows the weather outside the wicket gate?

Isent it an un-nessasary Frustration and misery? Isent it realy self evident that the Lord and Savior is preferable among ALL the husks and mire and people of this world? IT IS. Isent it also self evident that Marveling and trying to reason out the Verily, Verily's, of Jesus Christ, And the working of the holy spirit with our bite size brains....Isent this an un-nessasary and self evident vanity? IT IS. For isent it also self evident that you cling knowingly to mere earthly waywardness and shadows such as these....Husks, Mire, People, Slavery, Pleasure, Bitterness, Blame, Self, and Marveling.....When all along the Pearl OF Great Price Is manifest unto You? Therefore Surrender...Surrender to the firm resolution of Heart, and the Willingness that is probly already at work in your soul. except your reality....That this is all thats before you and nothing else behind you. That faith is All that you have. For whosoever Will let him come unto me and Ill in nowise cast him out says the LORD. Theres no excuse

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is the function of a Vernier Caliper?

it is a tool for distinguishing very small differences in size measurements with relatively good precision.

Christians: Do you believe in the trinity?

To be a Christian you must have recieved the gift of God's salvation which he wants to give to everyone. Now, to believe in that, you have to believe in the trinity. God the father, God the son, God the holy spirit. 3 entities in one God. They are all one God, but different parts, it's nearly impossible to wrap the human mind around, just have faith.

Gender Studies: on a scale of 1-10, how weird would this be?

With 10 being the weirdest, I'd give it a 2. Trust is trust. Either I trust the woman I'm with or I don't. I don't see it as degrees of trust within a romantic relationship. It would actually show me a certain strength of character that she would maintain a civil business relationship with an ex. She has obviously let the hate/discontent/ill will drift away. I wouldn't be jealous of her interaction with him. I've seen the other side where the hate and contempt is boiling.

Why is Hєll so terrifying to people when Jesus the Savior so clearly provided the way to escape it?

They've got the truth all twisted around because they are always listening to people who give them false premises. As long as the blind keep listening to the blind, they won't get the help they need. They need someone who has eyesight to lead them to safety.

Is a tri-level house like a duplex?

Were you are in eaither the upper or lower part of the house and another renter is in the other part of the house?


Alright the title may be a bit misleading, I am a bad person. But first lets give the background information! I will be attending college in Texas this upcoming fall 2011 Semester. Everything is all dandy, except one thing. My Dorm does not have Wifi. Now I know the first thing would be, Why do you need wifi in a 12' by 12' room? WELL the answer is that at times I want to work on my bed, or have some sort of freedom and not work at my desk 24/7 with an ugly ethernet cable. I want to be able to use my ipod for browsing the internet because sometimes its faster than loading up the computer etc... Unfortunatley for watever reason my College seems to think we should not have any routers. I for one, refuse to obey this law, and so i am indeed a bad person. But in all fairness im not planning on doing anything illegal, or obstructing anything. All i want is the freedom to work anywhere i want in my room, or use the interent function on my ipod. So i was browsing all through out the internet, and came upon stories with individuals who also faced the same problem but they figured out soultions to the problems. They said what they did was lower the signal level to just their rooms, kept their wifi password protected, and wifi invisible ( meaning that the only way you can find the wifi signal is if you knew the name of the network, and the password.) So I was wondering how do all this on airport express. Or if you have any other personal ways to have wifi without the school's IT knowing please share! Thanks for all the help guys!

Since Jesus had Peter build the first Catholic church, why do non-Catholics say they are not Christians?

The Catholic Church is pure Christianity. Protestants fail to realize their churches are watered down versions of Christianity.

No lease agreement, nobody is on th lease?

Even without an official lease, the landlord acknowledged that he knew you were there by giving you the 24-hour eviction notice, thereby giving you the same rights of any tenant. Also, you should have receipts for your rent that will establish de facto tenancy. You can take him to court for attempting a "do-it-yourself" eviction, which is illegal everywhere. So long as your rent is paid and you have not committed certain serious criminal offenses that can be proven by police records, such as dealing drugs, you cannot be evicted without at least a 7-day notice to vacate the premises. The actual time varies by state. Google your state's landlord tenant law to research the law where you live.

I need help on a story title?

Something built around the word "circumstance." "Maiden Circumstance," "Gypsy Circumstance," "Circumstantial Passion." I don't know. Best thing that springs to mind based on what you gave us to work with.

Scared of going to hell? ?

I'm getting all caught up in swearing, I heard it was a sin, and I'm wondering if it is. It's just one of those things where I wish God would just tell me if it is or not cuz us humans just can't figure out if it is or not. I feel like I'm damned, even though I try to follow the commandments, which I think I do a pretty good job of doing, and I believe Jesus is the Messiah and my savior. Can someone bring some peace to me? I like swearing, I don't know if I can give it up, but I don't want to upset God by doing it if it is wrong.

Lutherans and the ELCA?

Anyone here ELCA Lutheran church based on their acceptance and allowance of homosexuality? Which is an abominable sin by the way Lutherans love to bash Catholic's idolatry, yet do not take the plank out of their own eye first. Any church who proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, should actually FOLLOW His word, not invent their own and compromise it for the sake of sin and greed.

How to convince my mom AND dad to let me get my own dog?

I REALLY want a dog. My mom wont let me get one until we move to our new house. (which is in 12 days not counting today) I have ALL the money for the food, toys, etc. I also have this feeling that my mom doesnt think im responsible enough. (only because i dont do the things she tells me at the place we live now because we live in a stupid duplex) Im HOPING shell say yes. But, I know shell say no just because shes that type of person. So any advice, or suggestion are HIGHLY appreciated!

Should I stay in a duplex at Emerald Isle, North Carolina?

I am looking at beach rentals and I wanted some pros and cons regarding renting a duplex. I have always rented single family homes but a duplex would allow me to go oceanfront this year. I was just a little concerned about living next door to someone for a week. Please let me know of your experiences. Thank you.

Christians if you REALLY love Jesus and believe Jesus is god then...?

why do you not become jewish, was not jesus jewish and a rabbi? shouldn't you wish to follow in the footsteps and the belief of your lord and savior?

Is my house haunted, even though these things happen to my mother alone?

Whenever my mom is home alone, i.e, if i am on vacation with a friend, my mom says strange things happen to her. like, over the weekend, i happened to be up north with a friend, my mom said she was doing laundry, and she felt something pulling on her leg. She thought it was our cat rubbing against her leg, but when she looked, nothing was there.Before she went to bed, as she was walking through our dining room, she saw a dark figure out of the corner of her eye.then, when she was sleeping that night, she felt something walking on the bed. again, she thought it was the cat laying down, but nothing was there. A couple years ago, when she had cancer, she was resting on the couch, and she felt something nudge the pillow. it wasn't our cat, and when she looked at the wall, she saw a shadow. But, only two things have happened to me. one, i was sitting in her room, on the computer, and the light was turned off. i heard something come into her room, and go into the closet. My cat was following it. And while i was in the basement with my neighbor, who live in my building (i live in a duplex) we were in her part of the basement, which has a doorway, where you can see into my laundry room, but nothing to the left, because it is blocked by the wall. when we were talking, we heard a little girl laugh. when we heard this, we ran back upstairs. ever since, nothing has happened to me or her. is my house haunted?

Describe the function of gametes in the inheritance of traits?

The gametes (sperm & egg) contain genetic informtion, when combined (fertilization) ,produces a cell (zygote) that contains a new combination of genes.

Can you use a 20 amp breaker with 15 amp duplex receptacle?

You can, but the wiring must be rated for 20 amp (typically 12 gauge). If you're installing a GFCI receptacle in the middle of a run, then the receptacle must be rated for 20 amp pass through. If there is only 1 receptacle on the circuit then it must be 20 amp.

Security Deposit is Likely Spent?

We are renting a duplex and have made all rent payments on time. We are in a month to month lease. The property is now in short sale, and I have reason to believe the landlord has spent our security deposit. I believe it is the law that the deposit has to be held in a non-interest bearing account. We plan on moving out in a couple months and require a 30 day notice. What are our rights? I do not know if it is best to not pay the last months rent, or if we should and hope she will have the money to pay our deposit. Also, do I have any ground to ask her to prove that she has kept our deposit and has the cash on hand to pay it back to us?

How can I get out of these year lease without any problems?

I have been living in my duplex for a year in a half. Back in Feb. we signed out second year lease with them. We have very good tenants, always paying rent on time. We have never given them any problems what so ever. Well my husband just got another job for better money and we need to move. We have no problem paying July's rent and them keeping the deposit. I am very stressed that they will expect us to pay the rest of the rent on the lease which is 7 months. I'm not sure what to do. This wasn't planned, it just whats come up. IS there any way to get out of this lease without repercussions??

Without being rude, how can i tell my father-in-law he needs to start seeing my husbands and my children?

My husband, kids and myself live in a duplex next door to my husband's sister. But our duplexes are not connected. We literaly share a backyard. When my father-in-law visits my sister-in-law you know hes really just wants to visit his grandchildren. But my husband and i have a son and his first Granddaughter. Shes the only girl out of 9 grandboys. All he ever wanted was a granddaughter I dont see how he can visit with his daughter and 2 grandboys for 2 hours and not take atleast 5 mins of his time to see our children cuz he has 3 other children that have kids as well he doesnt even make an effort to see those grandchildren either. He knows were home and when were outside and he leaving he just keeps walking and waves hi and bye to us. My husband knows its messed up too. But can anyone give me advice on what we should say or do? Thanks I really appreciate the feedback. No mean answers please.

I recently inherited an old 'tired' duplex rental property. I'm trying to borrow against it to fix it up but..?

Maybe the issue with getting the loan is the amount you are trying to borrow. I would suggest that you pick one project at a time to work on in fixing up the property. By breaking up the projects & lowering the amount of the loan needed, you may be able to qualify for such a loan. Once you get that amount paid back, then pick another project to work on & borrow the amount of money needed. By doing it this way it should also help raise your credit score. Hopefully this would make it easier for you to qualify for subsequent loans. Good Luck!

What should I invest in?

I just turned 26, single with no kids. I'm in college right now but I need advice on how I should invest about $5,000. I have perfect credit and payed off all of my credit cards. I was thinking about buying a duplex in the North Dallas area and renting out both sides to create income. I want to be self employed and live comfortable by the time I'm 30. I work full time and have been looking into ways to create passive income. Some type of rental property or online website/ business looks like a good move, just need more opinions/ options. I'm open to all reasonable suggestions. Thank you

Why does Samaritan's Purse spend more gov't monies on "evangelising" than actual aid in disaster relief?

Why has the Jerry Lewis telethon raised over 2 billion dollars for muscular dystrophy yet nothing has been accomplished with that money??

In the state of North Carolina does the tenet have to turn in the keys to the property?

We were renting one side of a duplex and our landlord decided to kick us out by ending the lease. He gave us thirty days. We thought we just had to leave. However, the landlord came to my work and asked about turning in the keys. Do we have to legally turn in the keys in North Carolina? or is the landlord just trying to save money by not changing the locks?

Should my roommates and I turn on Central Air conditioning or get 3 window AC units?

3 5,000 btu air conditioners would be a lot cheaper and can be left on energy saver so the ac doesn't keep jumping on all day.just make sure they are 110volts.

Please Mormons only, I'm addicted to masterbating, what should I do?

I'm a 14 year old boy and 2 and a half years ago I started viewing porn and masterbaiting, since then I have been sealed to my family, I'm really scared to tell my bishop or parents about my problem, I feel really ashamed of myself and I really want to go on a mission and live with the savior again it's just that I'm so scared, I need help, what should I do? Will I have to get sealed again? P.S. Please only Mormons, I don't want to hear anything from anybody that this is natural or that I need to leave the church, I love the church and masterbaiting is a sin.

How long does it take to fix a collapsed Sewer line?

My son called last week and said his stool was backing up in tub He went and got a sewer snake and a rodder snake tried to unclog it but nothing happened. So Fought it all week. They live in a Duplex. And the Old people next door Kept using their stool and tub So all that mess came into our sons place. Now he has called the Damn Landlord everyday. And nothing So finally got the Plumber there at 6 p.m. last night. And he could not get the line unclogged. So they had Rotto Rutter out today and he said the Sewer Line has collapsed from the house to the Septic tank. So everything being used in coming into our sons place. The carpets are a mess. The walls are wet. Water everywhere. How long should it take for them to replace the sewer lines? Then Who is responsible for the Clean Up Our Son or the Stupid Landlord. Here this all started Friday night and here it is Tuesday and still a bigger mess then it was.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why is my ex texting me again?

We split up in end of September because he broke it off and I found out he was cheating on me and he ended up getting this girl pregnant. No contact for about 2 months since we last seen each other (just had sex) Now he is asking if I still have a copy of our old lease because he needs "proof that he lived other than his parents last year for the IRS" tax stuff I guess... either that or he's signing another lease somewhere with this girl. Why is he asking me for a copy of the old lease when he could just ask our old landlord/duplex for a copy or a letter? Does he figure it would be easier to ask me? Is this an excuse to try and see me? I'm going to ignore him and block his number but I just wanna know why. I'd like you're opinion. Thanks

How would the cost of converting a duplex compare to just buying a new home?

A friend of mine converted a duplex in the Garden District near New Orleans. It's time consuming work while you live there but may have benefits. If the cost of a new home in your area is about $150 sq. ft, and up, then you have a base to compare square foot. Although a historic home will need many things brought up to code, you'll have a piece of history in a wonderful area. If you love the area, your home and property, then it's worth the remodel. My friend did a simple conversion and it was beautiful. The entire front of both sides became the living area and they left much of the "shotgun" floor plan the way it was. Sounds like you'd have a bedroom with a fireplace and that could be a plus. If the house is raised, it should be easy to move plumbing around. Electrical has to be re-done. Not sure if you have roofing or water issues. The real question is not cost, but rather "value" of this historic home.

Why would I need my neighbors approval to put up a fence?

I am in the process of buying a duplex and I asked the association if I could put up a six foot fence (the property already has a four foot fence). They told me I could but I had to get my neighbors approval first. Why would I need their approval?

Does this sound like an okay auto biography?

It's excellent. However I would call it a "testimony" rather than an "autobiography." Autobiographies tell more history to your life; and testimonies are exactly what you wrote, which is your journey to God. But good job and keep up the good work, I respect what you have written and wish you the best.

My female cat is in heat, is there anything I can do to make her quiet down?

Never thought of tiring Her out by playing with Her? Gonna have to give that a shot. Give Her a meal around bed time, it may help by calming Her down. You could also try letting Her sleep in Your room. Up early, early to bed.

Do you think that this was rude of him?

If he is aware that you do the lot, yes, it's pig-ignorant of him. If he isn't aware, then give him a chance to see that you do it all - he may just be trying not to step on your toes (though I'm being generous, I think).

Which Republican presidential candidate is the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan?

None as of now. I certainly hope the Cons don't spend their time trying to find "another Reagan" and , instead, just focus on presenting a viable candidate that their constituency can rally behind.

Would it be wrong for a young woman to not invite her in-laws to her baby shower?

I'm not pregnant yet, but one of my biggest fears about it is whether or not it would be wrong to exclude my in-laws from my baby shower (and possible most the baby's early childhood). I do not get along with my husband's mother, step-father, maternal grandmother, and both of his aunts on his mom's side; I have tried, but honestly they just don't like me. I was recently banned from their family functions. So knowing all of this, when I become pregnant do you think it would be wrong if I didn't invite them to my baby shower and made no effort to include them in the baby's life? And would it be wrong if my husband and I didn't actually tell them that we were having a baby and just let them find out from others after the fact?

Is there nothing between you and Jesus?

Do you surrender all? to thee the blessed savior that saves you, to his ways and everything, Is there nothing between, Nothing? Would you do all for him as he has done for you?

What's the cheapest home I can rent that has a backyard?

I'm going to be moving out soon, but I'm on a tight budget. I have a dog though and I'd like to keep her, but it wouldn't be fair to keep her boxed in an apartment with no backyard. So what's the cheapest type of home I can rent that has a backyard? Duplex, trailer, etc.

Hi ,I am Jesus Christ, your lord and savior. Your response?

lol :) well i'm pretty sure you're not, but if he said that i'd be like, prostrating myself on the ground right about now lol :) and probably begging to go Home too, cuz i'm sick of this world :)

When a "Pastor" says Catholics arent Christian, do Catholics believe in the same Trinity he does?

You basically have 30,000 denominations and they all think their right and everyone else is wrong. People who study religions find all the BS people that follow the leader haven't a clue but know their right.

Sleeping in same room as someone with stomach virus?

If you did not get it the last two times, you might not get it this time. However, considering how contagious stomach viruses are i suggest you avoid contact with her and watch you hands constantly and show two times a day. I hope you do not get sick and your sister gets betters soon.

Why not pray to Christ Alone?

I agree with you! God said pray to him and only him. He said to believe in his son, and we may pray to him to because Jesus and God are one. =) I believe it is wrong to pray to mary, she was a very blesses woman, but she isn't God, nor can she save people. She prepared the way for the Lord, but she is not the Lord by any means. =) God Bless you.

Baptist Christians please........?

Hey guys so i have been going to church my whole life and my parents have switched around alot but since im older i have decided on the church i like and i love this new baptist church i go to and i have been going to church my whole life sooo i know about Jesus dying for my sins and everything but i couldn't remember every excepting him as my saviour soo at church camo thats what i did and i was crying and EVERYTHING but then i got home and i had a little time to think about some of the lessons and then i wonderd what if i end up in hell and i was wondering is this a normal feeling bc sometimes i get feels like i know im going to heaven but other time i question it and i just want to make sure and your help would be very appreciated(: thanks

Duplex and angular transactions, can you please explain and give examples?

I am eager to learn about transactional analysis. The only book I have found on the subject is by Eric Berne, which is decades old and very limited. Can you please tell me in your words about those various types of transactions e.g. ulterior transactions, simple transactions etc? If you have examples please share them with me too and also where can I find material about it online? Thanks.

Should i focus on the diagnosis or the symptoms?

Hi guys. Hope you are fine today. I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder.I have a history of major depression but i wasn't diagnosed until after i had a hypomanic episode.Some people's experiences of hypomania can be quite positive.With some experiencing high functioning behaviour and increased productivity and creativity.However my hypomanic phase was a very negative experience.It was characterised by uncontrollable racing thoughts, insomnia,dysphoria(extreme agitation and irritability), full blown rages,excess energy, hypersexuality and excessive spending.I am now on Lithium and my pdoc is great.My question is should i focus on the label or the symptoms?

My husband and I are looking into moving to Florida. Does anyone have any answers or advice for me?

Well im just a teenager so i cant answer alot of those questions but i do know that living in south florida is great. ive lived here all my life. The People are great, the beaches are great and the weather is AMAZING. You could also have alot of fun traveling down to the keys for a weekend.

What dog should I take?

As your family appears to view dogs as disposable, to be got rid of when inconvenient or when you decide you want something different, no dog is suitable for you. It will only wind up out a home when you decide you want something bigger, smaller, that sheds less, that has more fur, that needs less grooming, that has less energy, or whatever it is you decide is unsatisfactory about the next dog brought home. There are no perfect dogs out there, and none are going to behave the way you would like all the time.

Who has the spirit of God?

everyone has the spirit of god. its only that now a days people don't accept his spirit in. this is considered free will. there are opportunities every where for success we just have to be able to put forth the effort to see them.

Why do so many Christians misinterpret the meaning of the unforgivable sin?

Many Christians think that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit means to never repent and to reject the salvation that the Holy Spirit offers and Jesus as the Savior, even though the Bible makes it clear that the unforgivable sin means that if you ever say anything bad about Holy Spirit, which would include a slip of the tongue, then you will go to hell no matter what. The definition of blasphemy is that it is verbal, and there's no reason to assume that the Bible did not take into account the fact that someone can change their mind about what they said.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Should Christian churches welcome Islam in their Churches?

Many churches are making room for Islam in their buildings, putting the Koran next to the Bible. Is it a Start of a one world religion system? You can not believe both books at the same time- I feel it makes them one of the five churches in Revelation that God disapproved of. The Koran denies Jesus is our Lord & Savior.

What sin do you struggle with the most?

I would like to add that I believe that God is my Saviour.... He died for sinners, not perfect people. I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm just curious as to what you are struggling with right now.

What can I do about my neighbor's poor dog on an Air Force base?

The Air Force is not in charge of animal cruelty laws, those are typically handled by the ASPCA. Call them.

How do you define a Parametric Function In Calculus?

How do you define a Parametric Function In Calculus? What are they used for, how do you write an equation for a parametric function, and will this become a critical part of later Calculus classes such as Calculus II and III?

Didn't the early Christians believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist?

read Corinthians, in the chapter about communion, it says this 'is' and the greek work equates to 'equal'

Christians: Help with interview questions for class (4 short questions)?

16. 1=when we are saved from death and God is in our side and we won against death. 2=believe in God, believe that Christ is saviour, and be a part of them. 3=it is when somebody got saved from death. 4=never. But i know Him since I was a child and at first I don't really mind about it and now I know that He is my saviour and i want to be saved.

Printers- is it possible to duplex print pages which are arranged like this?

Bad news, I'm afraid, mate. You're going to have to split them up and then paste them into a new document so that you've got just one page per page ... if you get what I'm saying.

This is an AWESOME poem, who can interpret it?

CINDY:I am writing to let you know that i answered this question on Saturday night our time I found it intrusting . I myself tryed to figure it out if you have recieved the answer back from me then you will find that i did it the answer in three parts .Sunday 26th June 7.25p.m

Do you think that i have ability to understand and communicate with animals?

This is a classic example of a phenomenon called "confirmation bias". Humans have a tendency to only remember those moments that support whatever idea they have in their head. How many times have you been around an animal and NO coincidence happened? I'd be willing to bet the number is much, much larger than three. But those times weren't interesting, so you don't remember them. You only remember the few rare moments that make it seem like you're special, because we all want to feel special. The fact is, these were just random coincidences that can be easily explained away and mean absolutely nothing.

Who is the musical heir to Bruce Springsteen?

There is no American heir apparent yet. But I have faith that there will a savior to rise from these streets. That person will span the bridge from Elvis to James Brown to Bob Dylan to Michael Jackson and Bruce and beyond. We have yet to recognize who it is.

Can I be hindu and christian?

There are quite a few Hindus who accept Christ as an avatar of God like Krishna or Rama. I am a Christian but I acknowledge the truth found in other religions as well.

Use the periodic property of trigonometric functions to find the following:?

Hiii, you can learn complete Trigonometry by going to the following link and i personally advice you to see it once because i was also afraid of this before using this but after using this i start solving problems in minutes just try it once:)



How do you Solve a mismatch between duplex and speed?

I'm working on a Packet Tracer and I haven't learned about this step. Can somebody tell me step by step how to do this to connect to the switch?

To those who say that the catholic church was created by Constantine?(just something to consider)?

Emperor Constantine - said to have converted on his death-bed May 22, 337 AD. Your sources - AD 110-180. The math seems pretty straight-forward.

Will I go to Hell for not being an active member of a church?

Start reading the origin of species. Lose your faith. Become liberated. Do what ever the hell you want so long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

What is the appeal of tongue-splitting?

why would people do it? How would it affect your ability to eat? Is it just cosmetic or does it have an erotic function?

The Bible says that God knows everything ..also the future?

The whole concept of a 'being' outside of time acting inside of time is utterly ridiculous. I would recommend not spending too long pondering the many plot holes in the Bible and the issues with God's character- in the end you'll reach the same conclusion that you already seem to have reached. That its a story and nothing more.

Am i going to go to hell if i have casted a spell before?

I have accepted jesus as my savior, but i casted a few spells that were harmless like 6 months ago, i didn't understand what i was doing (I'm 13) and i didn't know until later that it was bad. plz help!

Question about functions. f(x) - g(x)?

If I am supposed to do f(x) - g(x), do I distribute the minus to each term of g(x), or do I just leave the minus as is?

So the antichrist is the muslims so called saviour? the 12imam what ever the nob name is?

the anti christ will usher in the one world order and one world religion , he will try destroy christianity , islam , judaism

Christians, Is Jesus your Savior, Or he he your Lord and Savior?

Christians, Is Jesus your Savior, Or he he your Lord and Savior? Do you just use him as a way out, or do you honor him as the Lord God Almighty?

Would you let your mother move in with you if....?

My mother has lived with me off and on since I moved out of the house, which has been about 9 yrs now. Each time she moved in with me she was very disrespectful and rude to me and my boyfriend at the time. I never asked her for any money, only that she save her own money so that she could get a place of her own. She however was never able to get any money saved. Even though she was living relatively bill free and working a 10+/hr full time job. The last time she moved in with my fiance and i she repeated the same disrespectful behavior that she had in the past. (no surprise) As of yesterday, my mom has found herself homeless again due to her own irresponsibility. She is no longer working but she does collect social security and unemployment. Also, she knew a month prior to her actual eviction that she was going to have to move, and during that month she didn't not pay rent. Yet she has save no money to put down on another place. This irresponsible behavior that my mom is displaying is not at all how she raised her children. So here is my question, should I in essence have to take responsibility for my mother's lack of planning and let her move back into my tiny 2 bedroom duplex with my family? Even though every time without fail she always causes problems between my fiance and I. What would you do?

Thursday, July 14, 2011


in cordoba spain just before 800ad the sufis were teaching that christ was the savior and all the most educated people in europe taught in spain the most prominent christians jews and muslin caliphs during the taken over of cordoba some fled to france sufi is thought to mean pure and cathar also,so are they actually the same group that was later labeled the illuminati

Washing machine help please older model leaking everywhere! :(?

my wasker is kind of old its in my pantry at my duplex and there was like stuff to just connect it with already on the wall. but okay theres a black like tube connected to the wall then the washer okay. when i wash clothes it leaks from the walll. and all over my kitchen floor what do i do ? :(

Have $10,000.00. Where to invest?

Should I open a Roth IRA,high interest savings account,or invest in the stock market (buy and hold strategy),or should I invest in a fixer upper home or duplex with someone and get my ROI ( return on investment) via the rental income?

What are the pro's and con's in buying a duplex compared to a house?

In a duplex you have very close neighbors and the noise of community living can be annoying. You will also pay a higher mortgage rate on rental property. With the rental unit you are subjected to other peoples financial problems( late payments,evictions etc) and excuses or complaints. The only positive is that you "may" have someone else help make the mortgage payment. Good Luck

Interested in higher Longevity and Higher learning?

Structurally speaking, the human body pretty much maxes out at 120 years. Very few people make it that far, and some don't even get to the halfway point!

Can I increase rent when I am a new landlord?

I will be taking possession of a duplex in Ontario, Canada in July, 2011. I am not sure if the current tenant has a lease or is renting by month to month. My question is, when I take possession of the duplex in July, am I allowed to set a new rent, or ask them to pay their own hydro?

What can I do about a crazy neighbour who lets her dog do its business on private property and driveways?

I have a neighbour who lets her dog go on people's private property. Yes, she picks it up, but that is not the point. It is not appropriate to do this. I have never seen anyone so bold and ignorant. No one else who has a dog does this. I have called by-law and they tell me they have no jurisdiction as long as she picks it up. Even the police told me to try and approach her first. I posted a note on her car about this behavioiur and it only got worse. I am a tenant living on the top floor of a duplex, and do not appreicate walking down the driveway over the residue from her dog's business. I do not know what else to do, and cannot afford a lawyer? Does anyone have any answers? Thanks.

How can I become closer with God?

I found worshiping through praise music very helpful, communicating love from my heart. And when you read the Bible, let the words be Living Words, believing whatever it says with your heart. So when God says, "Do not be afraid.." in the Bible, Practice putting away your fear and trusting in God in everything.

Okay, Christians, what do you think about this?

Isis was NOT virgin! she had sex with Osiris and for the rest of the "facts" are just fake! fake fake fake! if someone knows about the history of Osiris that person is me! I have spent entire nights reading and investigating about Osiris and I have never read about the "facts" you are mentioning

If I break my lease will I still get my deposiy money?

so I've been living in a duplex since aug I signed a 1 year lease. (first time) lease ends aug 16. 2011. Bad things here happened in the past but I didn't do anything about them. Like landlord didn't fix a leaking ceiling for a month. Had to fix roof 3 times. Also the heat would shut off a lot. Because there was something wrong will the pilot. Ehh! & the landlord would ask us to go knock on the door below us walk through their apt an go into the basement & see if the pilot was lit. What an idiot was that our job, with a newborn in the house. So new tenats moved in below us it looks like there going to live here forever. They tried putting a fence up but the took it down I gues they don't know how to do it. They have 2 grown big dogs...! One of them is a pitt bull. They bark all day & there outside all day through the night they might let them in at 1am. And than I can hear them bark all night in the house. I don't need this anymore. I tried reasoning with the landlord that I want to leave. But he said to leave and when he finds someone he will give me my deposit back... What??? What kind of crap is that. What can I do. I hate speaking to him he has this accent I don't understand his english... I told him to put the rent up and when you find someone I will leave...HELP!!?

Is Jack still saved by the grace of Christ?

If Jack was raised in Alabama by Christian parents, and when he was 28, Jack accepted Jesus as his personal Savior, and then spent 15 years telling people that he is saved, but then he starts researching and reading the bible and wondering about it and then one day he decides to get baptized in the Catholic faith, recieve communion, accept the Holy See, pray to the Virgin and the Saints, and confess his sins to a priest, is he still saved?

I want to become a rapper, do you think I Can?

yes, you do! Post yourself rapping (actually put some time & effort into the video!) on youtube & I promise I'll subscribe! & if you do make a rapping account, send me the link!

Do you think this is wrong?

I am renting a duplex and its for college students.. and they are charging me an addendum fee for having a baby?!? when my lease is up, the baby will be six months old... do you think it is wrong for them to charge me for that... I already paid 500 for my chihuahua to live there! geez lol

Can a -Reasonable Accomodation- request get my mom out of a -Project-Based Section 8- Bldg. ?

Unless she has a Section 8 voucher, she can only move to another site-based Section 8 building but she might have to go on that building waitlist. Your Mom should call her case worker and ask if there is another building Mom can move to.

Looking for landlord tenant advice for state of Ohio.?

We have been living in a duplex for a little over a year and have had nothing but problems since we moved in. We tired getting out of our lease but had to give sixty days notice and didn't know that so we are stuck till April. We found out this past week that our landlord is now renting the place next door to someone who has a pet. We moved here in the first place because it was pet free and my husband is allergic to animals. Is there anything we can do? We really just want out of our lease it's been a horrible mess the whole time we have lived here. Our garage floods and it was promised to be fixed and still hasn't. Also our lease was never notarized and I found case law in Ohio stating that a lease that has an automatic renewal clause like ours has to be signed in front of a notary. I have contacted a lawyer before but my husband is the only one working and we don't have the money to obtain one. Any help would be appreciated.

Is capcom also a high company member of the illuminati?

When I was at the mall and was watching the game "The lord of vampire Saviour" (the intro) which was also the time that I'm already aware of the Illuminati especially their symbol, I saw the symbol with the transitions and effects combined. After searching, I found out that some characters in MVC, SF, and other capcom characters were members of the Illuminati too.

Christian: Why do you worry about the sins of others then focusing on the sins you have committed?

A Christian first and foremost needs to focus on their own salvation. It's very easy to get caught up in other people's business. One should never preach and then themselves be disqualified from the race. The Bible also says, however, that if a Christian doesn't reach out to the hurting or the lost or the sinner, they need to question whether they are truly saved. Simply saying I'm saved and and then doing nothing to reach out to others is selfish and dis-obedient.

What's so wrong about being a functioning alcoholic?

BUt one day you might mess up and cause problems, Also it may seem that you're not hurting anyone but your hurting yourself . Please think before you drink because thats just stupid, no offense

Is it bad if i dont go to church every Sunday?

I love Jesus and God is my savior. But i only go to church about once a month. I say my prayers every night and still love God. Is it ok if i only go sometimes but i'm still in touch with god?

What's the difference between a Roman Catholic and a Christian?

i'm not entirely sure, as far as i know they read the same book, celebrate the same holidays and such, but as a lad i went to a roman catholic school, they didn't tend to enjoy being called christian, but i've never really gotten the catholic, protestant and christian difference myself, it seems that it is and isn't when it suits the masses. and for some reason,every Abrahamic religion loves the pope, unless some priests do some "less tharighteousus" things, then its kind of off topic for a while, until the P.R is properly managed again at least.

Would it be okay to have a dog on a tie-out if the dog was supervised the full time?

Sure, no problem. The 3 main problems with tie-outs are (a) that the dog could get caught around something or even strangle himself, (b) that the dog is a sitting duck for stray dogs and mean kids, and (c) that it often means the dog is ignored for hours on end. But if you are there to supervise, all 3 problems are taken care of.

Personal Dilema Help?

You should stay were you are seems as though you're more happy secluded! LI record music here and ehhh let's just say more people should mind they're own business

How do I get him back?

My husband got a job in some other country 1 year ago through one of his friend. They both used to work in the same company but gradually the feiend started feeling threatened and started ignoring him. Six month later he shifted his family to the country he was working in and tried to convince my husband to do so as well. My husband had lot of financial issues so he claims he cant do so for atleast another year.unfortunately the day my husband leaseda car for himself on instalments he came to know the company shall close down in another three months. The company reducd his salary by 20%. and finally after three months it closed down. Due to all this stress he avoided talking to me on phone, skype or net. Even if we used to talk he used to fight all the time. Hre used to visit us once in two months,but his parents and brother were in another station so we spent most of our time travelling .Daughter 15 and son 12 , didn't have sex for months as he used to be angry at all times.8 months passed by.His fiend called me up and ocassionally tried to help as he felt he was responsible for the situation that I was suffering from. i always felt that he was like an elder brother, who want to bring us back together. My married life was never too smooth as it was an arranged marriage and he initially liked someone else.His parentsand brother didnt like me after marriage. too please them he always used to give me no importance and even redicuiled me. Initially he forced himself ontomr the first night and many consecutive nights and later when i tried to accept it thye way he liked ,he suddenly stated changing. He used to seduce and then avoid sex saying that he is practicing self control. Sleeping on the same bed we never had sex for months. In these 17 years of married life I have had 7 missed abortins and he was never there when i went to the doctor for my DNC's as he never had time . He is a workaholic. His friend often used to visit our city and used to call frequently.Eventhough my parents and brother were living in the same city but they hardly were ever available for any support. I work in a bank from 9:00 to 5:00.Now I have developed multiple minor ailment due to stress.Gradually I started feeling comfortable talking about all my problems to his friend.I felt that he was the only person tslking to me and shoeing any concern. Often when iwas sick or needed emotioal support my husband would not pick up my calls or scold me by saying get lot and go to hell. He used to send money which was just enough to cover our basic need ,all my salary is also spent fot a comfortable living.His friend has gradually developed a liking for me and appreciates me ang is always there for me when ?I am upset . He always suggests me ways in which I can do something to save my marriage and bring my husband back.Three months ago he came to our city and wanted to meet me.I went to see him at the hotel and he expressed his feeling of liking for me,and requested me to have a secret relationship with him without letting any one else know (He says he dint imply a physical relationship).His wife was also my good friengd . I told him that I just respected him as a saviour and do not have a feeling of attraction towards him. He said that I was always on his mind and he feels emotionally attached as well as physically attracted towards me. I felt extremely uncomfortable at that very moment and just went back home.Later when I called him he ignored me completely . He said I misunderstood his feelings and he felt very bad. He now avoids talking and doesnt even answer my messages. I know feel that if I dont talk to him I will die. I sometimes also feel that mabe I also have somekind of a liking for this person. My husband knows everything that has happened uptill know. He hates him and also sent him a message that he was disappointed to know all of this. Irespected this man and feel that i cant imagine a life without his support. Since three months he has hardl answered any of my messages and I feel he is avoiding me. If he doesnt talk to me I wont be able to survive ,since it feels something is dead inside me.I feel extremely heart broken. Want to end up my marriage as well as my life.

Why are Naruto and One Piece so popular?

I'm not saying they suck (never mind I actually think they suck) but I see so many people saying naruto and One Piece are great. Yeah I started watching Naruto and after episode 50 I was like **** that as for One Piece after 3 episodes I thought the show was retarded. So can you people explain me why these two overrated mangas/animes are so good according to so many people. In my opinion their plots aren't that good they're more comedy to me not serious things. It's even painful to see how people say these two animes/mangas are better than animes and mangas such as Dragon Ball (techincally father of anime and manga) Neon Genesis Evangelion (major saviour of anime) Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Elfen Lied, etc.

Can property management put an advertisement sign for their business in the yard of the house I have leased?

I am renting a house in Indiana. The house is not a duplex or apartment complex. The problem that I have is that the property management company who manages the property has placed a permanent advertisement sign for their business 6 inches from my driveway. Now a lot of people think that my home is for rent, so I am constantly getting people knocking on my door, peeking through my windows, and traipsing through my yard. I pay almost $1,000 per month to lease this home, and I don't appreciate the intrusion and trespassing. I feel like I have leased the home, I take care of it and the yard, so I don't understand how they could advertise in my yard. They have refused to remove the advertisement sign. Is this legal? Thank you in advance for your help.

I recently inherited a 'tired' duplex rental property that I'm trying to borrow against to fix up. But.....?

May be try selling 25% interest to an investor? Or reduce the rental in exchange for sweat equity for a handyman to fix up the place--one side at a time? You can also try a home equity loan.

My neighbor wont stop farting?!?

Ok seriously my damn bronco football obsessed neighbor is farting in my bushes? I just moved into this apartment, im upstairs petting my cat at the window and i happen to see him and im wondering why hes suspisous and he just farts really loud. Its not like random.. He walks his dog and passes by but he does it a lot its really weird. Calling the cops wont do anything, the owners of the apartments or duplex dont have time for this. I mean i dont even know the guy and its like he has something against me? He doesnt look like a drug user, he only drinks beer and smokes cigrarettes.. What do i do?..

What foods can I eat that have no carbs/sugars?

I have type 2 diabetes, but no longer have health insurance or medicine. I cannot eat carbs or even fruit without my sugars skyrocketing. I have been eating a lot of protein and veggies, but I am feeling weak and think I am not getting enough calories. I work out at least 3/week and it seems to be getting harder just to stay awake. I need some healthy, low carb, low sugar ideas to help get enough calories to function properly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time.

Has God given up on me... completely?

I'm a 16 year old girl from Arkansas... I'm terrified I am going to hell and theres nothing I can do about it. I have accepted God as my savior... I trusted him... but I have felt nothing from him in far too long. when i was 11 i got so mad i swore myself to the devil. it was the stupidest thing i ever did in my life. i prayed for forgiveness the second I did it and still do... but i feel like got gave up on me right then and there. I do love god. I just feel like I've lost a father. I got suicidal for a while because of these thoughts and felt like there was no hope... I would love some answers to help me... and not just to reassure me. I want the truth please.

Do moromons really believe this about jesus?

We believe that there were/are people living in the Americas at the same time as people living in the middle east during the time of Christ. Therefore, it only makes sense to me that a loving God would give all his children the gift of Jesus' sacrifice. So yes, Mormons believe Christ visited these people after his death. In a holy form. A resurrected form.

I am so sick of being miserable and depressed.?

My sisters all think I'm a loser and this upsets me greatly because I have this awful need to always please and be liked. A totally disfunctional family with little love and perpetual divorce, I, the youngest, didn't hang around home and get married like they did. I left for the left coast as soon as I could and basically didn't look back. I just wanted something different. Only one to ever go to college and travel, I never married and have always taken care of myself. 19 years ago I consider buying property in my home town should my apt. drop off into the ocean and Mom confesses then that she would like to be done with her mortgage. So she and I decide that I take over the house. I pay off her loan and give her remainder in cash for full price taking out a mortgage. I also agree that she continue to live there free of rent and keep the rent from the other side (duplex) as well. I did this because I knew my Mom would take care of the property and that if I ever needed to, I would have a place to go to and my Mom wouldn't have to worry anymore. No sister says anything to me about this transaction at the time, and of course none of them obviously ever offered to do this. One sister 5 hours away (came home once a month to take Mom shopping), one 12 hours away (visited every 5 years or so, sent occasional gifts, and one next door who chose to quit working 10 years ago to care for parents in exchange for monetary compensaton. Now 18 years later, Mom is in a nursing home. So now I'm being summoned back home to help. I point out that I've been helping. Not enough apparently. I must go home and clean out the house. Can't someone else do that? No, apparently. It's my house! So, sister on other side who paid her rent to Mom now suddenly is unable to pay her rent. Tells me she can't afford it. Lives there 6 more months until sold. Wants me to sell the house-has found a buyer even. So I sell-take $15000 loss off original price. Never go back to help clean out house so now I'm mud. Sister complains to me how hard it was to clean out the house-took her 3 months. Of course I couldn't point out that she was compensated for that by her free rent for 6 months. So I ask if she asked sister in Georgia to come up to help? Yes, she did ask. Sister in Georgia declined to help apparently because it ISN'T HER HOUSE! Sister 5 hours away agrees that it's my responsibility. When I point out that I've been contributing, sister 5 hours away finally blurts out "Why would you make such a stupid arrangement with Mom.?" That's when I threw my cell phone across the room. Today's her birthday and I've tried for the past week to find a card to send to her. In the end I couldn't do it. I knew it would not bring a smile to her face but rather probably more disgust for me. So here I sit, miserable and depressed, eyeing the Bridge and feeling like a total loser. And for what? What did I do that was so wrong?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My dad thinks I'm too immature to take drivers ed or get my learners permit?

From the way you explained it, it seems as if you already proven yourself to be mature. The thing is Your dad and mom know youre mature. Your dad's reason for not permitting you to take drivers ed is not his real reason. You have to understand that he wants for you to be safe and sound. It doesnt have to do anything with being mature. Think about it. Hes really just concerned for your safety. Try talking to him about this. Ask him "Are you not letting me do this because youre worried about me?" If he admits then you persuade.

Longest range wireless router May 2011?

I need to buy a router for a duplex in the city I would prefer dual band and n is a must but I want someone to give me a one word answer. What router on today's market has the best range?

How can i get a petition for my neighbors to move?

Well i live in a duplex with my mom, dad, and sister, my neighbor is a *****. Like, she would curse at us when we got off of the bus. Not only that but when we first moved in it was alot of cats, we're nice people so we feed them, one day she came out and said she was going to poison them, not only that bus out other neighbor is a cop, she had him up for something he didn't do, but nobody around this area likes her, we just really need her to leave. Somebody help .

Periodic modelling problem solving, need help?

On a particular day in harbour, the periodic cycle of the tide is 12 hours. The average depth of the water in the harbour is 4.5m. This depth rises 3.5m and falls 3.5 m at high and low tides respectively and the first high tide of the day occurs at 2 am. A ship requires that there is at least 7 m of water in order to safely enter and leave the harbour. Find a sinusoidal function that models the depth, f (t), of the water in the harbour t hours after midnight and hence find the times of day when the ship can safely enter and leave the harbour.

In What Ways Are Jehovah's Witnesses Likened To the 1st Century Apostles?

None what so ever. Where in history do you find christians that fully or mostly resemble the doctrine of the "Jehovah's Witnesses"? None that I can see. The user who said that Catholics need to look back into history needs to look back at history and get facts from a neutral source.

Suppose you graph a particular consumption function and find that it overlays (i.e., is congruent with) the fo?

Hint: the congruency between the consumption function and the 45 degree reference line means that for each and every level of disposable income, consumption spending equals disposable income. Additional hint: Neither value = .50.

I'm thinking of converting to Islam but I don't want to blow things up?

im dissatisfied with Christianity and I want to convert to Islam as I think ALLAH is my true saviour. but i dont want to blow things up like all muslims do. i'm not sure hwat to do. help please? thank you.

Fantasy writers: Some cliche openings. What's your favorite?

while reading through these, i imagined each and every one in a book i have recently read. wow, i didnt know that it was so imperative to start a book in a unique way. i have to say that another really cliche is starting the book with someone calling the main character or them waking up. I have to admit that i have start books in that way too. i guess maybe it seems fitting to me, but now i am really rethinking. I have one question though, if this agent does not want to see this, is there anything left? and it is hilarious when people start with something way too obvious and dive into a plot line with nothing supporting it. thanks for these tips of awareness i will be on the lookout for these now.

2nd Degree Burglary; What should I expect?

This is my first offense. I live in a duplex. A few months ago I overheard the tenant on the other side of me engaged in a phone conversation in which she exclaimed that "My house should be ready for me to move into in April". So about three weeks into March I witness the tenant loading her belongings into a vehicle, I assumed that she was moving into the forementioned "house". A few weeks go by without anyone coming or going from the "vacant" unit. I decide to go over and take a look and see if I can find a cabinet door that will replace one that is broken in my unit. Both units are connected via a crawl space in the attic in which I have never been before. Upon entering the "vacant" unit, it appears littered with trash, most of the items in decent condition appear to be packed in tubs and boxes as if meant to be taken somewhere, and in dissaray as if it had been abandoned in a hurry. However, I do spot some items that do not completely appear to be trash, just some decent looking mirrors, picture frames, wall art, and child's toys. I decide someone may be coming back for the items so I leave out the back door and lock it. A few more weeks go by and still noone comes or goes, so now I make the mistake of assuming that she is gone for good, and decide to take some of these belongings back to my unit to use myself and for my daughter, not to sell or anything. About three more weeks later our refrigerator stops working, being as I was extremely late on rent I don't bother asking my landlord to replace it as I already know what the answer is, I decide to store some items in the refrigerator next door, so as not to spoil. The refridgerator is disgusting with some old rotten meat in the freezer so I go ahead and clean it up well and keep some sodas over there, and begin to make regular trips when I need something to eat or drink. A neighbor friend of the former tenant catches on and calls the police after a trip over there to get a soda. The police surround my house, my never have being arrested before I am obviously nervous and take a while but eventually open the door. I fully cooperate with the police, being honest when they ask me about some missing items I immediately give them up and tell them I was under the impression that the items were abandoned. I was placed under arrest and taken to the city jail on a 24 hour hold. The next morning I speak with the detective and give him the same exact story you have read here. I am returned to my cell while he speaks with the prosecutors. about an hour or so later I am released paying no bond pending further investigation. The estimated value of the property is said to be about $200-300. The victim turned out to be in another state for a surgery this whole time and wants to press charges. Can she press charges if she is in another state during the crime? I am in Missouri and this is my first offense, what can I do to avoid any jail time?


So here is the story ,i had a copper coil IUD fitted 5years ago and i have suffered ernomous side effects from thrush severe moods swings suicidal thoughts severely emotional you name it ,sometimes i will feel like i'm definately preggos all the symptoms from A to Z i've gone fron size 8 to 14 hence going to the gym 3days a week since i had the coil rang Doctors and they told me i have to go on a waiting list to get it out so today in the shower just looked at my huge waist and i pulled it out to be honest i had no pain whatsoever So the question is what to expect,when do my body start function normally i was fed up of being a monster to everyone i can feel the difference already i'm already positive.Thanks For Your Help

Can i be evicted for not getting along with my neighboor? Please help we are desperate!!!!!?

we moved into a duplex a little over a yr. ago. Our neighboor is a retired lonely older woman . We were severely warned by the previous tenants that she was a handful to deal with. But against their advice we moved in. She has continually complained about petty things like my 8 yr old son making noise while playing. Especially about my son "agrivating" her cat, or our cat agrivating hers, to the point that we keep our cat indoors to avoid any conflict. Now our land lord called and said my son agrivated her cat again. Also there was a parked car w/ no licence plates in the front of the property, we didnt know whos it was , it was in the way so we asked whoever it was to move it or we would have it towed. Well it was her son in laws so she said we were rude to do that. My landlord said he would have us both evicted if we could not get along. Is this legal? he also said that if he found any pesticide on the property it would get"serious" but he did not include this in the lease? what are our rights her please help!!!!!!

Does the spray on ceiling texture applied during the 1960's have aspestos in it?

I am removing the texture from the ceiling inside my duplex which was built in 1963. It is often referred to as popcorn and was sprayed on when they built the place. It does not have the sparkles in it i have seen in other places. Some persons say it is simply ground up paper others say oh it has aspestos in it . Can someone give me the straight scoop? Thanks.

Who here is a teen Christian?

Hello there my name is Alexis you can call me Lexi if you want. I am going to start a nationwide project for us teens. I'm not sure how we are going to do this but I want to get a ton of teens together and travel the USA and even some foreign places and talk to other teens about Christ. To be apart of this you have to have these: 1.Be able to talk in front of major audiences 2. Able to show off your skills such as preaching and singing and stuff like that 3. Aren't afraid to exclaim that Jesus is your savior and you would be nothing without him also you have to be able to tell about your experiences with God. 4. The final thing is you have to be between the ages of 13 and 18 to be apart of this you can be male or female I am looking for both. Like I said I have no idea how we are going to do this or how we can get together or anything but I do know that with God anything is possible. Also if you have any ideas for a name or how we can work this out please let me know by emailing me at:

As America falls and if Barack Hussein Obama is reelected, where you hide?

America will not fall in a period of 4 years, that's impossible unless every country in the world ganged up on us which wouldn't happened. When it comes to things like gay marriage and abortion I say this: None of your damn business. Those issues should be private, not politics. As for hiding, Only the weak hide.

What should my friend do about the landlord and the situation?

Should call the police and then sue him for harassment. You might even get a lawyer interested on a no-win no-fee basis

Cisco IP Phone 7911: Error "Ethernet Disconnected"?

The phone is connected to a Cisco 3750 switch port with PoE enabled. The connected port is on the voice VLAN. CAT5 cable has been tested end-to-end and meets 568B. Port speed/duplex is 100/full. RJ-45 connectors were replaced at both ends, twice. No errors on interface. But I still can't seem to resolve this issue. The phone registers with Call Manager in a test enviroment, but not when deployed. Is there something I'm missing?

What is going on with zillow?

I have been following the ups and downs of my two properties on Zillow. However, a couple weeks ago, to my surprise both homes were valued at X amount of dollars one day, and poof! over the weekend one of them went down to the price I paid in 1988 when I first bought it. The other dropped considerably as well. Funny thing is, one of my properties is a half duplex. My best friend owns the other half. Zillow shows her half as having been valued at nearly 13 million dollars (!!!!) in June of last year, and down to just 12 million earlier this year (!!!!!). A 1200 square foot half duplex in the bowels of my city....I couldn't help but chuckle. Seriously, someone must've fallen asleep on the keyboard! Back to my property, on Friday it was valued at $168K....on Monday, $119K. My property in Florida was valued at 84K on Friday...on Monday, it was down to 74k. Hmmm. Has anyone else noticed this? Unfortunately, there is no "contact us " option for Zillow.

My house feels so weird..?

My husband & I just moved into this duplex in april & ever since we moved in, the house just felt strange..& as the months went by it just doesnt feel like a home, it feels weird & so uncomfortable & sometimes like we are being watched, those feelings are very heavy that anyone that comes into the home feel it too. Any advice?? Real answers only please.

What are the best alternatives to Certificates of Deposit?

I am in my forties and debt free. I have kept tens of thousands of dollars(practically all my savings) in CDs for years. I am seeking alternatives because of the terribly low interest rates. I am considering rental real estate--a duplex or four-unit building to start. I do not really like or trust the stock market. Is it possible to buy CD-like instruments in a stable foreign country like Austral;ia or Canada? Are there any alternatives other than CDs?

Am i suffering from minor schizophrenic symptom?

I know i dint get at least one hour of sleep last night. I got off my bed at 8:00am and headed off to work at 9:00am and was already working by 9:30. I do landscaping so what i usualy do is mow lawns. When i started to mow the first lawn i heard the owners niece talk about every little mistake i made and she was inside the house..but i dint make a big deal about it. 2nd lawn i do are two duplexes next to each other. After mowing the front lawn i went to the first mini backyard, and i hear a dude say frm inside his duplex ''yea his tired'' ,,,;''mised a spot'' then he said ''got it''. The 3rd lawn i mowed, is just the backyard and right when i was about to start my heart starts beating at a real fast paste and i started to feel sort of tinkly from my arms, so i freaked out a bit, ive never experienced that before in my life. So i tought that i just needed some h2o, but no, after about 5 min into that lawn i hear a females voice and she was telling someone else the difrrent little thing that i was doing for example the way i was mowing the yard and how tired and sweaty i was and she dint stop commenting untill i left. The 4th house was the same plus i could hear their neighbours doughter say things, like if it had been a long time that she has seen me mow that yard like if she was constintly checking me out saying things like ''his tired'',''naw his too strong'',,,''his mad'',,,,''naw he just looks like he be on hard drugs'',,''look he cant even do that right'',,''back then he did that real quick''. it felt like they were seeing every little thing that i was doing good or bad on the job, but i was feelling mad for some reason. I felt like if i was being watched 24/7 i got paranoid i was . But the thing that freaked me out the most was that i heard those voices coming out off all 4 houses i went to, like if they were peeping out of there windows just to comment on the things that i would do right or bad plus my physical appearance. That has never happen to me before. At the beggining i was telling myself that there were infact people behind the windows and not just voices in my head.. But that was impossible because i could hear them while the lawn mower was on... I got really worried when i got home about 2pm, i dint know what to believe. Can somebody please help me understand what i whent thru today?

Gender Studies, would marriage be more sustainable if all married couples lived in duplexes?

I don't know about households but it would definitely help for each person to have their own private retreat (room, yard, whatever)... and possibly separate beds.

Jehovah's witnesses - Is it possible For Jehovah & Jesus to be our savior?

Just wanted to throw this question out there for all JW's who are blocked by the person who asked this question, so that we can have a chance to answer.

What does my dream mean...?

It doesn't mean anything. People often believe dreams mean something, like a opening. But they really don't.

Is it possible to use your security deposit to terminate your lease early on an apartment?

I have moved into a duplex in Eugene, OR and we have cockroaches. Now I want to move back to Medford and get out of here, but we're leasing this apartment until March. My landlord has our $600 security deposit and that is how much it costs to terminate the lease. I am also wondering if the cockroaches are reason enough to leave. No we haven't had an exterminator come in yet and spray, but I don't think that is a safe alternative, as I have a 16month old son who would be exposed to the toxic chemicals. I don't think there is a 100% safe way to bug bomb your house.... What are my rights here? Do I even have a case?

Why are my laptop keys functioning like theyre continuously being pressed?

They're not dirty or sticky and they pop back up fine, but when i'm playing a flash game or whatever and i press the directional arrows or wasd to move every now and again the player will continuosly move right left duck or jump even though my fingers off the button. I don't know what the problem is it's been doing it since i got it. Never spilled anything on it. Help?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Algebra 2 help please?

Using complete sentences, explain how the Rational Root Theorem and Descartes’ Rule of Signs are used to find the zeros of a polynomial function. Be sure to provide the answer in your explanation.

Do I have to pay rent if my landlord is trying to sell my duplex?

He is in jeopardy of losing the place and it is in bad condition. It could become a short sale as he is frivolous with his money. He has been trying to sell it for over a year and might lose it to the bank.I have been here 7 years and maintain this place despite the neighbors that have been out of control for the last 3 years.What are my rights and options as I cannot afford to move right now. Do I have a window of time to where I don't have to pay my rent?

Why are some people Satanists?

Seriously, I think you have to either have some psychological problems or are truly evil to be one. If they believe in Satan then they must also believe in God. They must also be aware of that fact that if they don't accept Jesus as their Lord and savior, then they will be damned to Hell for eternity. Do they prefer going to Hell rather than Heaven or what?

Is my AC working properly?

No your AC unit is not working properly. You need to contact the landlord and let him know. He is required to fix this for you unless the lease says you must take care of it no matter what you pay for rent.

Are investment property really worth the trouble?

Then you need to read Rich Dad Poor Dad Books. Rule 1. Never buy a property thinking you will make money in the future. You should also build into the cost maintenance and setting something aside for future repairs. Rule 2. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince. You will have to look at many properties and make many offers before you find the right one. Make your offer based on your numbers and make sure you factor in all issues. Professionals selling their property know this is true, so do not get suckered into buying; there are a lot of people who purchased at the wrong time looking to unload their investment properties.

Does a duplex require separate meters for utiliies?

It depends on the deed. If they are seperately deeded then yes. If it is one property with one property deed it is not required.

Great headphones, cheap and good quality!?

I'm looking for great headphones, probably in a solid 50 dollar range, maybe 10 higher, that's about it. I want good sound quality, as good as I can get as well as build quality, something that will last. I'm aiming for in the ear. Klipsch makes Image S4 headphones that are superb, but a tad expensive and I'm wondering if POSSIBLY I can get something cheaper with just as good quality!? Anybody that can help would be my savior.

How dirty can a house be when you do the following?:?

After reading your questions I recommend that you see a therapist to help you deal with your issues. If you cannot afford one, you should go to your local county courthouse to get help from a social worker. A social worker can help you get a place to live and free mental health care.

Can postpartum depression come back?

The docs told me I had a little bit of post partum depression because if something happens to my kids I get really sad and depressed till I know all is well amongst other things, if something goes wrong the same thing happens i cant shake it off. Well I went on vacation with my kids and husband and my PPD broke I felt great. I came home and have been home for about two weeks. My husband got his lawn mower back, mowed a part of our grass in our duplex and the man who has been harassing us who also is paid to mow the grass got mad and weed wacked a patch of rhubarb, babies breath, and violets he saw my 17 month old picking yesterday, and its like a wave of sadness is back, I keep crying and Im just so heartbroken for my daughter. Could this be the PPD coming back?

Tenant give move out notice, new tenant ready to move in, but current tenant changes mind. Now what?

I am a tenant in Wisconsin who rents out the other side of my duplex. The tenant has fulfilled their 1-year lease, and is now month to month. They gave me a 60-day move out notice. I then started showing the apartment and have a new tenant ready to sign the lease to move in. Now the current tenant is saying they might want to stay, even after giving their notice. Do I have to let them stay or can I make them move out?

Trinitarians only PLEASE: Is God the Son ETERNALLY the Redeemer (Savior)?

REMEMBER, a yes answer could mean that original sin was inevitable, but please explain. It's OK to say that you do not know. Thank you.

How can I write this function on VBA- Excel 2003?

I have a range of cells that I add data to on a weekly basis. At the end of the week, I cut this range and paste it in another sheet within the same file. The trick is that I have to paste it in the reverse order. So, cells from B--> H needs to be pasted in the reverse direction H-->B. How can I do this using VBA?

Ex: sqrt(1-x) domain (-infin, 0) (1+x^2) domain (0, inifn)?

how do i solve for the domain on this problem the two functions appear to work they leave only x when simplified but i forgot how to find out for the domains

Questions and answers on function of the digestive system?

I don't quite understand your question. The function of the digestive system is to chemically and mechanically break down foods so that the body can absorb the nutrients needed.

In the Catholic Church does a person have to have a conversion experience to be saved?

When the rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked Him what he must do to be saved and Jesus answered that he must be born again. How do Catholics define "born again?" Is there a crisis moment in a Catholics life when he must make a conscious decision to accept Christ as his Savior?

Moving to South Austin,Tx area?

next fall i will be moving to south austin north Hays county, any tips or guidance as to what to expect? i've lived in sa, Tx all my life and I HAVE TO GET OUT!! freaking city is filled with all I dislike!! are there any good places to live? we would like to rent a home or duplex, even a town home. bottom line is a back yard haha Any tips on where to or not to live and what to expect?

What are your thoughts of Benjamin Creme and his orginization?

If you don' know of him, he believes he is in contact with a Master he calls the Maitreya. Apparently this master is the savior of which ever religion you believe in, and will soon make himself known to the world.

Christians, is 1 Timothy 4:10 a forgery?

If you check out he original Koine Greek & study the context (written to Timothy), you will see that it does not confict with other scriptures. The only way to heaven is to have your sins paid for by one who is perfectly righteous. JESUS.

Are you ready for jesus?

are you ready for our savior to come back for us he is ound to come soon we are the end days we need to be ready plzzz repent and worship god the one who loves and cares for us

If you friend's boyfriend was cheating on her and she knew but wouldn't leave him, would you talk to him?

LOL WTF... I'm not sure I'd want to be involved with any of this. I wouldn't get involved in her relationship... it's not like she doesn't know what's going on and you'd be enlightening her to anything. Plus it doesn't sound like your friend is REMOTELY stable so I would handle her at a very safe, guarded distance.

Do you see potential in this fictitious tale?

I think its really good! Its a brilliant story line and well written. I would definitely read it if it got published!

Do you agree that because we are under Grace instead of Law does not mean..?

As a Christian I know the cost of sin to my Saviour therefore I have no desire to live an unholy life, also because I am crucified with Christ sin no longer has the power over me that it used to. I now have the power through the Holy Spirit to live my life pleasing to Him.

How long can realtor go on showing my Apartment?

I live in a duplex building in Los Angeles. It has been up for sale perhaps a year now. Every now and then there is a posted note on my front door stating that the realtor will be showing the place for the umpteenth time! Does the owner, my landlady, have the right to inconvenience me and my roommate for as long as she wants ? This is truly infuriating !!

My neighbor and I share gas and electric meters. Is this legal?

I live in a back house and my neighbor lives in half of a duplex on the same property. We do not have an a-joined wall but we do share meters. When I moved in the landlord had the bills in her name and would mail us both copies so we could pay our share but a year ago when a new tenant moved in she asked him to put the utilities in his name and required him to provide me with copies of the bills so I can pay my share (I pay 1/3 and he pays 2/3). Now he is moving out and the landlord wants me to switch the bills into my name which is making me very uncomfortable. I don't want to be responsible for the gas and electric of the 2 bedroom duplex next door to me when I am only in a one bedroom. I am currently looking for a new place but until I do so I am unsure how to let my landlord know that I do not want both places in my name. I fear that she will ask me to move. Is that legal?

Okay, so Black Veil Brides is an obvious Atheist band.?

What my question is, is to why they are making Christian related songs like "Savior" and "God Bless You"? Has Andy Six become a Born-Again Christian or something? (That's be awesome cause I'm a Lutheran)

How can you say I haven't seen miracles?

Do you have my eyes? Do you look at the world through my eyes? No, you don't. As a matter of fact, miracles take place all the time. Stage 4 cancer patients with only weeks to live HEALED, people in terrible car wrecks coming out with only a bump or bruise, sick people touched and cured, etc. I've seen these and I know many fellow Christians have too! Atheists just choose to call these things luck or thank the doctors or whatever. God is the ultimate physician. He is in the miracle working buisness. One of the greatest miracles is accepting Christ as your savior! Do it today, before it's too late. Hell awaits those who don't accept Christ.

Vacated an apt due to a doctor's note and a positive mold test!?

Moved into a duplex unit and after 2-3 weeks of living there, I became ill. Was in and out of the Doctor's office 3 times in 2 weeks. Missed a weeks worth of work, lost 5 pounds. Started looking around and found mold on the basement wall. A friend suggested that I do a mold test so I did and sent it to the Lab in Florida and it came back with 3 different types of mold. Since I got a letter from my doctor, I have moved out of the unit and feel much better. With the doctor's letter and the mold test results, the landlord is still holding my security deposit - he says I broke my 1 yr lease - yes, I did but would you continue to live there when your sick all the time? On another note, I am allergic to anything with *cillin* in it so it makes me more sick to be around mold. He also wants me to continue paying rent until he rents the unit out. He told me, how do I know that you did the test correctly? It's not rocket scientist, that's how! He also told me that the molds that showed up are basic indoor/outdoor molds that everyone is susptible to. Cladosporium (catagorized as black mold is one of the mold tests that showed up from the Lab).

Help me figure out this bug by my description?

can only guess from your description and location baby camel crickets (or cave crickets) ....they don't chirp. Use a magnifying glass as a lens to the camera, works well for small subjects.

If there was one question you would ask Jesus face to face, what would it be?

I know what I would ask him. I would say "Lord, do you like pickles? I have been pondering on this question for quite some time. Does our lord and saviour like pickles? Hmmm, kinda makes you think doesn't it?

Is Brandon Flowers ready to take the mantle of Bruce Springsteen and Bono?

I believe that Brandon is the "savior who will rise from these streets." The Killers must rise to the occassion and prove it with their own "Born in the USA." After Born in the USA Bruce had nothing left to prove, but he kept proving it and proving it all night. The Killers, I am hoping, will be the next supergroup, the heirs to U2.

Can CPU fan not functioning properly affect the quality of games & videos?

My computer fan is running but it started to make sounds and it is not as cool as it used to be and my games got a little slower and videos got slower as well and quality has degraded. I updated my drivers and all..could my fans not working properly affect video quality/games?

Best way to get rid of mice?

ok i moved into the 2nd floor of a duplex about a year ago and after looking around we found adead baby mouse in the attic on the step and there is powder mouse poison over all the vents and things but i never thought anything of it up until a few months ago i heard a mouse eating and running and lkately i could swear i feel them moving and scratching in my mattress i haves spring traps all through my room as well as poison and 2 diy traps but this morning i came home to find one triggered and about 3 feet away from were i put it with nothing in it do i have rats too??and what is the best way to get rid of these pests any answers would help

Utilities for duplex in ohio?

On average how much would utilities be for a duplex in ohio for 2 people. The rent is $650 a month, how much should the 2 people make a month ?

My Windows Media Player stopped playing music after I restarted My CPU?

I don't get what you mean by the Central Processing Unity. CPU would be your processor. If you mean that you restarted your entire computer and now you can't start Windows Media Player? Could you be a bit more specific with what you mean?

A question for all Christians who only believe that: "Only the Bible explains what the true gospel is".?

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.I have come that they may have life , and that they may have it more abundantly....Jesus

Monday, July 11, 2011

Zombie Poem....Comments please?!?!?

Wow that's a long poem.... But i'd have to say that it's a little scary. Especially the parts about how the zombies eat the children.

Why do protestants question the Mary's?

Catholicism doesn't worship Mary like Protestants claim, but we show her the proper respect she deserves.

What if the exit you found to the labyrinth is not safe to exit, but just another labyrinth to navigate?

Theseus navigated with labyrinth using a ball of string. If you're afraid of exiting one labyrinth for another, I'd suggest having a much larger ball of string.

I'm looking up places to live in Quebec and...?

they all say 5 1/2 Duplex or 6 1/2 and like, what does that mean... Why does it say that? What does the half stand for? And the number?

I admit I did wrong but do not agree with husbands demands. Is it wrong to ask him to meet me half way?

I have been married for almost 10yrs. Until recently it hasn't been a very great one. No one is perfect but for years I was shown hardly any affection at all & the attention I got was being griped/yelled at for anything & everything. I felt very alone at times even though I was married. We have always had a extremely large circle of friends. I was raised in a family of music lovers so going to see live music is a large part of my life as is his & our friends.I'm always the one keeping him imformed on what is going on with all of our friends. Friendship is important to me & I give them a call every now & then to see how they are. One of my best friends is a guy that we both know & have known for years. My husband for longer than me at least 15yrs & myself 12yrs. We have always been better friends than he & my husband have been. He sang at our wedding & we all lived in a duplex together for about 3 yrs. Since we moved out of that house I have always kept in touch with him. talked a few times a week, had lunch every now & then, BS'd about this & that. I never kept anything about this friendship from my husband. He never once picked up the phone to see how he was doing ro hangout with him or anyone for that matter when he changed & became the stranger but we all still saw each other out. On with it, things got really bad with my husband. For mths I was ignored unless i was being bitched at. I talked to myself at home. thats what it felt like. i rarely got a response from him & if i did it was a nod or short 1 word answer & if i got that it was a good day. most of the time i wasn't even sure he heard me. it was bad no matter how much i tried to make him see how it hurt me & had been hurting me for years by refusing to understand that its not ok to never kiss your wife, or constantly be yelling. he was just a very unhappy person making me very unhappy but I stuck it out waiting for him to come back to me. I had my friends & music & that can help you get thru anything. My guy friend was there for me of course. we never crossed the line of our friendship ever in all these years. he has a girlfriend who is also my friend. but one night he's wasted & i'm a little wasted & miserable at this point we're texting about nothing important & we started talking dirty. not to each other about each other just about dirty subjects & ended up doing some dirty texting ourselves.he sent a picture i sent a picture & then it got weird so we quit. We were embarrased & ashamed & didn't talk for a few weeks after that. when we did we decided to just pretend like it never happened because it was stupid & it didn't mean anything & it wouldn't happen again. Not long after that my husband finally snapped out of his la la land & really started trying to be the person I married. Hooray right. once this happened he became jealous of my friendship & said he didn't realize we were so close. its because he wasn't paying attention. that incident was the only thing i ever hid from him. He asked me to not talk to him about our problems I did, he asked me to not have lunch with him anymore, i did that too. I guess when it all went down my husband got the dirty picture off my phone. 2mths ago he confronted me about it knowing who it was & i told him what happened. He told me I was never to speak to my friend again & told me that i could kiss all my other friends goodbye too & that i was never allowed to go anywhere that he may be at. I know what happened was wrong. We both admit that. I just don't think its fair for him to tell me I can never speak to him again. He's connected to everyone that we know & there is a good possibility that he could be anywhere we go in town. I do not feel like i should have to give up my friends & music over this. I am willing to change my relationship with this friend & I think that my husband should be able to be in the same bldg as him & just not talk to him & avoid getting too near him. 2 of my good friends are getting married in a few weeks & he says we're not going, our friends band is having a huge 10ys celebration & we have been there since the beginning. we can't go support those guys because he might be. I just think that he's being a little ridiculous. I don't blame him for being upset & i'm not asking him to get over it now. We're adults & we should be able to come up with a solution that doesn't involve changing my entire life over one mistake that happoened almost a year ago. maybe this is the wrong thing to say but for 8+ years I was not treated very well & i stayed in a marriage that most people would not have. i'm glad i did because things have been better, its hard going back but we're getting there. i just feel like I gave him chance after chance & he won't even try to give me a second chance. it has not happened again & it won't. i realize he has no way of knowing that but I think he could give me a cha

My Windows Media Player stopped playing music after I restarted My CPU?

I don't get what you mean by the Central Processing Unity. CPU would be your processor. If you mean that you restarted your entire computer and now you can't start Windows Media Player? Could you be a bit more specific with what you mean?

Why would someone want to pay rent 6 monthes in advance isnt that a little weird and shady?

this lady wants to rent our top duplex for 3000 and her friend is a bit agressive and is telling us that she wants to pay us 6 monthes in advance. are their any legal ramifications?

Why is my ex boyfriend asking me for this?

We split up in end of September because he broke it off and I found out he was cheating on me and he ended up getting this girl pregnant. No contact for about 2 months since we last seen each other (just had sex) Now he is asking if I still have a copy of our old lease because he needs "proof that he lived other than his parents last year for the IRS" tax stuff I guess... either that or he's signing another lease somewhere with this girl. Why is he asking me for a copy of the old lease when he could just ask our old landlord/duplex for a copy or a letter? Is this an excuse to try and see me? I'd like you're opinion. Thanks